It’s that time of year folks, Out Loud HSV’s anthology is back for another publication built to highlight the work of our incredible community members. We’re teaming back up with Hypertrophic Press to bring you a beautiful book that you can be proud to be a part of. Here’s how it works. Everyone who submits gets at least one piece printed in the book. Submitted work must have been read at either an open mic or a slam from Dec 2015 onward. The deadline for submissions is November 16th so if you have a piece you want to contribute but haven’t read at an event, there’s still time.
- You are able to submit up to three pieces that you have read at an Out Loud HSV event from December 2015 onward. At least one will be chosen for print.
- Submissions must be in one document, .doc or .docx file. No other formats will be accepted.
- Please give a title and a byline (the name of the piece and your name) to each piece in the document submitted EXACTLY as you wish them to appear in the text.
- Submissions must be sent to with ‘Out Loud Anthology Submission’ in the email subject line.
- You MUST include a brief bio with your submission. Bios must be written in third person and must be no longer than 5 sentences. SUBMISSIONS WITHOUT BIOS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR PUBLICATION.
- Submissions must be sent to no later than 11:59PM on November 16th. No late submissions will be accepted.
- Previously published pieces will be accepted, though you must properly credit the publication and the year.
January 18, 2017 will be the official release party for the Out Loud HSV anthology. Save the date and come ready to purchase you copy! (and copies for your friends!) The first release party remains one of my favorite Out Loud events to date, so get ready for a lot of laughs and tears and I'll probably hug you way too much.
Now the technical stuff.
By submitting your work in this manner the author & publisher agree as follows:
Author's Grant 1. The Author grants permission to include his/her story/poems, hereafter referred to as the Work, in Out Loud: A Year in Review, an anthology to be published by the Publisher, hereafter referred to as the Publication. Rights Acquired 2. This use of the Work by the Publisher entails the assignment of rights for publication in the English language anywhere in the world. It is also understood and agreed that the Publisher may use this Work only in the above-mentioned Publication--both paperback and electronic editions--and re-printings of it, and that the Author shall retain all other rights to the Work not specified here. The Author also grants the Publisher the right to use images of the Publication cover and featured Work as it appears within the Publication in any promotional material or journalistic use, both print and digital. The Publisher may publish or permit others to publish or broadcast without charge and without royalty such selections from the Work for publicity purposes as may promote the Work and Publication. Author’s Copies 3. For the rights granted above, there will be no compensation. The Author may purchase and pre-order the Publication through Out Loud HSV, or purchase a copy of the Publication online after the publication date. Author's Warranties, Representations and Indemnities 4. The Author represents and warrants that he/she is the sole author of the Work, that the Work is original, and that no one has reserved the rights granted in this agreement. The Author also represents, to the best of his/her knowledge, that the Work contains no matter unlawful in its content, nor does it violate the rights of any third party; that the rights granted in this contract are free and clear; and that the Author has full power to grant such rights to the Publisher. The Author further warrants that any and all Work submitted under this contract are not in the public domain and are not and have never been published in paper or any other format with any publishing company that may still own proprietary right to the Work. The Author agrees to hold Publisher and/or its licensees harmless and indemnify it from all damages, costs, and expenses, including lawyer fees, directly resulting from a finally sustained judgment relating to any legal actions incurred by the Author arising from a breach of the above warranties. Each of the parties shall give the other prompt written notice of any claims that the Work infringes on any rights of third parties or of any known infringement of the Work. Competing Publication 5. The Author acknowledges that he/she may publish this Work in any form prior to its publication and appearance in the above named Publication or any time after its appearance in the Publication depending on the rights stated in that contract. Changes in Text or Title 6. The Publisher will make no major alterations to the Work's text or title without the Author's written approval. The Publisher reserves the right to make minor copy editing changes and to cut portions of the Work due to length restrictions. Copyright 7. The Publisher agrees to state in the Publication that the Author owns sole copyright to any/all Work appearing in the Publication. Venue 8. This agreement shall be deemed executed under the laws of the state of Alabama, United States of America. Alabama State Law shall be the applicable law of this agreement. Any actions brought to enforce the rights and obligations of this contract shall take place in Huntsville, Alabama. Cancelation of Publication 9. The Publisher reserves the right to terminate this contract at its own discretion at any time without penalty by the Author. Upon termination of this contract by the Publisher, all rights pertaining to the Work revert to the Author and the Publisher may not print the Work without further consent of the Author.