What does it mean to be “queer” and what does it mean to “queer” your writing? The usage of “queer” today is often synonymous with homosexuality, but this not correct. “Queerness” opens up a realm of possibilities that fall outside of societal norms and harken back to the original definition of the term as something peculiar. This class offers a very brief overview of modern queer theory and deals with bodies, gender norms, gender as performance, homosocial vs homosexual desires, and the innate fear that surrounds queerness. What can this do for your writing? It makes the writer more aware of the way desire and gender politics are discussed in the mainstream, of how lived experiences nearly always differ from the enforced “norm,” and that “straight” people occupy queer spaces all the time. This class will give you the language to articulate experiences outside the norms and get you more comfortable doing so for an audience that may or may not be familiar with these types of experiences.
Out Loud Academy offers in depth educational programming for writers of all skill levels and styles to enjoy. Sign up for the full semester or take individual classes as they suit your needs and schedule! This comprehensive programming lets your learn from a variety of different instructors to hone your craft and explore new areas of literary arts. Classes will be held in the Out Loud HSV Studio # 260, 2211 Seminole Drive Huntsville AL.