Out Loud HSV monthly open mic and features create a space for literary arts and spoken word to grow! Join us in Pizzelle's Confections, studio RR4 at Lowe Mill ARTS & Entertainment, for this event. Come early to sign up for the open mic, where you will have 5 minutes to share your work. Then we will have a 30 minute feature with Stephanie Duggar!
Stephanie McCarley Dugger’s collection of poetry, Either Way, You’re Done, is forthcoming from Sundress Publications. Her chapbook, Sterling(Paper Nautilus, 2015), was co-winner of the 2014 Vella Chapbook contest. Her poems and nonfiction have appeared or are forthcoming in Arts & Letters, The Boiler Journal, Cider Press Review, Gulf Stream, Heron Tree, Meridian, The Southeast Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, Taos Journal of International Poetry and Art, and other journals. She is an assistant professor at Austin Peay State University, where she teaches writing and literature, and is Assistant Poetry Editor for Zone 3 Press.
Out Loud is dedicated to fostering new voices and encouraging participation, so even if you have never been to an open mic before, please come on down and hear some new interesting voices and share! This is a free show, but donations are strongly encouraged. Doors at 6:00, show begins at 6:30.