Out Loud HSV monthly open mic and features creates a space for literary arts and spoken word to grow! Come early to sign up for the open mic, where you will have 5 minutes to share a creative writing piece. Then we will have a 30 minute feature with Will Gillette!
Will Gillette of Birmingham, AL is currently living in Pensacola, FL until he moves to Baton Rouge, LA (thereby completing the mystic triangle of early adulthood that will bring eternal night to this world) to study and teach poetry as a graduate student at LSU. His influences include Gladys Knight, Alonzo Mourning, and Trevor Afternoon. His unfluences include Larry King, rubber bullets, and double rainbows with cheese.
Out Loud is dedicated to fostering new voices and encouraging participation, so even if you have never been to an open mic before, please come on down and hear some new interesting voices and share! Doors at 6:00, show begins art 6:30.