Out Loud HSV monthly open mic and features create a space for literary arts and spoken word to grow! Come early to sign up for the open mic, where you will have 5 minutes to share a creative writing piece. Then we will have a 30 minute feature with Josh Baker!
A long time resident of Huntsville, AL, Josh Baker has had an enduring affinity toward the arts. While captivated by musical and visual arts, the literary arts have held a special place in his heart. As a poet, he recognizes the importance of lending his voice to those who are often silenced. He believes "While it is important to be present in your pieces, you must also make room for others." As he writes, he endeavors to capture both the most painful and pleasurable aspects of the human condition. Baker currently attends Alabama A&M University as a sophomore Social Work Major and serves as Vice-President of Alabama A&M's Poetry Club. He urges that "If you gain nothing more from my work, gain that your voice too is powerful. Even in your silence, you are being heard."
Out Loud is dedicated to fostering new voices and encouraging participation, so even if you have never been to an open mic before, please come on down and hear some new interesting voices and share! This is a free show, but donations are strongly encouraged. Doors at 6:00, show begins art 6:30.